"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
John 14:1-3
At St. John's...
Our cemetery is open to parishioners and non-parishioners who have family ties to the parish.
You’re welcome to visit, to pray and to reflect on life’s ultimate purpose.
Cemetery Decoration Rules for St. John's
Natural flowers are permitted in approved containers.
Artificial flowers are permitted in approved permanent
vases and must have a hole in the bottom for drainage.
They will be removed when they become unsightly.
Containers of the following size are permitted: Pots 6 - 8 inches in length; Boxes not to exceed 18 inches in length, 6 inches in height, 8 inches in width. Containers must be a plastic or wood construction with ample drainage.
FOR SAFETY REASONS...metal stands, metal boxes, shepherd hooks of any size, glass, candles of any kind, pottery, statuary or decorative stones and border edgingare strictly prohibited. These restrictions are necessary because any of these objects can be picked up and hurled by the lawn mowing equipment, making them potential hazards to visitors and staff. They will be removed and disposed of immediately.
Inverted Collared Vases - vases cannot be left upright
during the winter months and must be placed inverted after winter cleanup. Heavy snowfall can occur and bury the upright vases making them obscure to see and a hazard for people to fall over.
Artificial wreaths no more than 30 inches in diameter placed on stands are permitted from Nov. 1 - March 1.
Evergreen blankets are NOT permitted.
ALL decorations will be cleared after March 1.
Approved decorations can be replaced after Good Friday.
All decorations will be cleared after Oct. 1.
ALL decorations must be placed on the grave marker.They should NOT be dug in or placed on the turf.
Planting beds of up to 18 inches are permitted directly in front of a raised monument. Woody perennials such as trees, bushes, or evergreens are not permitted.
Please note: All monuments and markers, if images are used, must have the dominant image be of Catholic virtue and to be approved by the cemetery board and/or it's authorized representatives.
Flags and veterans emblems are permitted only on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veteran’s Day and no earlier than 3 days prior to the holiday, and shall be removed the first working day after the holiday.
Flags may be placed in planters and in approved vases.
Flag sticks may NOT be stuck in the ground.
The cemetery will not take responsibility for any damaged or missing items left in the cemetery.
For assistance, please contact: